13 July 2007

My theme song this year

As I've mentioned before, I have a running soundtrack of my life. This is this year's theme song. It's the last year of my life that it can be.
(Notice how footloose and fancy free I'm getting. I set up all this youtube just for you guys.)


Anonymous said...

So now we know how YOUNG you are, cutie pie :).

willowtree said...

I'd like him a lot more if he treated the piano with a bit more respect, although he was fairly well behaved on this clip.

Good luck with all the goals!

Anonymous said...

I have flown over to your place from DubYaT's (WT). First, my daughter's middle name is AnnE, with an E, please. That's very important!
I really like the song. Now, you have started a world-wide event, and everyone will be trying to think of their theme song and posting it next week. It will be fun to see what tunes show up out there.
Now, I need to go back and read about you. Hope you reach your goals.

laurie said...

i got here through mr. willow tree.

anne of green gables was one of my favorite books, too, and i, too, wanted to be a red-headed orphan.

i look forward to return visits.

Claudia said...

That was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I came here from WT's. I like the song very much, even though I turned 30 this year. *sigh*

I was just saying at WT's place that I have a soundtrack as well :)

Pamela said...

My theme song would have to be a medly

LizLSB said...

I'm visiting per Willow's suggestion. My middle name is Anne with an E too; seems there are a lot of us out there. Interesting idea, to have a theme song. I think mine might be "Crazy People" by The Wreckers, cuz I seem to be surrounded by 'em lately.

Tiggerlane said...

I LOVE this song! Have the CD - and this is one of my favorite tracks. He is awesome to watch live.

Thanks for reminding me of how great this song is!

Heather said...

A thank-you bow to WT for sending people my way. The thing about this song that's so great is it is my journey. With an undergrad in music and a masters in theology, I'm the most unmarketable person in the world. The world don't need scholars as much as I thought...
I chose the fall in love option ;)
Tiggerlane - the CD that came out after this one is great, too. Love this guy.

willowtree said...

You're most welcome. To be honest, it bothers me a little that I get a bunch of people reading the crap that I put out, when they could be reading well written posts like yours.

But then I guess there a people like me who just want light entertainment.