17 August 2007


My passion is to incarnate Christ's love to a hurting world. We are the Body of Christ, the Church, and God calls us to a great adventure, to reaching out and loving our neighbors and the nations both as the Church and individually.

I'm happy to speak to your women's group, college group, or singles group including retreats, special events, and small groups.

Past topics include:

Here Comes the Bride: Being the Bride of Christ (series*)
The Heroic Journey of the Christian
Ruth and Naomi: God’s Unfailing Love and Unfailing Plan
Follies: A Reel Look at Abraham and Sarah (series or one session)
Ephesians: What Is This Thing We Call Church? (series or one session)
The Postmodern Mind: Rethinking Plato (series or one session)
Approach to Truth: Study of World Religions (series or one session)
Movies and Literature: Understanding Structure and Meaning
Ministering in a Postmodern World
Having a Missions Heart at Home
Incorporating the Spiritual Disciplines in Everyday Life
A session of Lectio Divina: leading the group through a passage meditatively

* The series can be taught over the course of a weekend retreat or over several weeks.

I'm also happy to work with your group with a theme more appropriate for your needs.

I received my Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary and have been involved in teaching women's, youth, and singles ministries as well as small groups and Sunday school classes. For more information, email me at heatheragoodman [at] yahoo [dot] com.


Pamela said...

I don't suppose you have it on a website with your fee schedule...

some of those look like great topics.

Heather said...

I'm working on the website, so until I can get it running, this is it for now.
As far as a fee schedule, I ask that the church/ministry/organization cover my travel expenses. Above that, I leave it to them. I understand that there are different budgets and trust God to work it out.

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